Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Faceing Blog's Netflix wants to debut 20

Faceing Blog's Netflix wants to debut 20 original series in the next five years
Be prepared to be stuck to your sofa for the near future

Netflix's Chief Content Officer Ted Sandaros has announced that the world's most popular online streaming service is looking to debut up to 20 original series in the near future.

At a press conference yesterday, Sandaros said that the company plans to be available globally within five years, while outlining ambitious plans for original programming.
I think that we can expand on our original programming… from where we are today to probably as many as 20 original series, he said. So the idea of launching original series or [an] original season of content every two half weeks or so.
Original flavour

So while many of Netflix's users are still recovering from losing a good chunk of their life to great shows such as Orange is the New Black and House of Cards, Sandaros's announcement means that the online streaming service will soon be expanding upon its current portfolio of eight original shows.
Sarandos also said that Netflix is unlikely to ever release rating numbers because it's an irrelevant measure of success for the company, suggesting that it won't be measuring the success of its future shows against its current offerings.

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